Tech & SaaS interviews ebook

Failures, successes, business lessons, and wins – read our 45+ page e-book with interviews and a handful of predictions for the future from founders across various tech sectors.

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A graphic of a roman statue head wearing VR glasses and text: What IT is going to be about

What's inside?

About e-book

As digital product developers, we wanted to learn as many industry insights as possible. And there’s no better source than successful  entrepreneurs themselves! With their stories and predictions, we’re explaining why 2023/24 is the best time to launch a digital product and how to succeed.

Tech entrepreneurs

We asked our interviewees from various industries about the present and future of digital products, what made them choose a specific career path, how they achieved success, what skills were helpful in this, and what distinguishes the sector in which they work, and much more.

Future predictions

We supplemented our e-book with industry data and future predictions from both Apptension leaders and interviewees so that you can fully understand all topics. You’ll also find insights to help you navigate the current recession and crisis!

Learn how to:

How to get your business through crisis and recession

Why the SaaS industry is skyrocketing right now

What it takes to become a startup founder

Which character traits and hobbies can help you start a business

What will help you disrupt the industry

How to find the perfect product-market fit

What 2023/24 will bring in the most important branches of the IT industry

...and a whole lot more!

SaaS Interviews ebook as a physical book

Download interviews

Learn various stories about tech startups and scale-ups straight from founders, CEOs, and directors and get the industry insights collected in one nifty e-book.