DesignOps e-book

What it is, why do you need it, and how it launches your digital products into another level of quality. Read our 50+ page ebook full of expert interviews and proven know-how.

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What's inside?

About DesignOps

See the various approaches to implementing DesignOps, and learn about its usefulness to digital organizations. See why the counterintuitive is true - that operations and processes are what unleash creativity.

3 pillars of DesignOps

From processes, through team organization, and up to culture, DesignOps touches many aspects of the organization’s daily functions. Check yourself if your team can make changes and where they make the most sense for the level of your design maturity.

Guests insights

We asked top experts from their industries for their insight into the grit and grind of building smooth operations. Read interviews from VMware, Symetria, IBM, Bee Talents, Apptension and more.

Learn how to:

Hire DesignOps experts and build DesignOps mentality

Make engineers love your creative teams

Enable creative freedom with… documentation, processes and templates [!!!]

Improve cross-team collaboration with common standards around work quality and communication

Avoid overreaching and over processing where unnecessary

Get creative teams their seat at the table

...and a whole lot more!

Download DesignOps E-book

See the various approaches to implementing DesignOps and learn about its usefulness to digital organizations. We will e-mail you the e-book.