Apptension’s R&D team is used to tackling problems with unconventional and high-tech solutions daily. This time, we have decided to educate younger audiences about recycling.
Apptension’s R&D team is used to tackling problems with unconventional and high-tech solutions daily. This time, we have decided to educate younger audiences about recycling.
Apptension’s R&D team is used to tackling problems with unconventional and high-tech solutions daily. This time, we have decided to educate younger audiences about recycling and waste management with the use of Augmented Reality.
And don’t confuse AR with virtual reality! Augmented reality is just an add-on to the real world experience, whereas virtual reality completely takes over your vision making the user's environment completely different.
But leaving the topic of AR and VR behind, augmented reality was our technology of choice for two reasons: we have plenty of experience working with AR features and even a boilerplate codebase in place to jumpstart projects. On top of that, Augmented Reality would add a level of playfulness to our app.
The R&D team reached out to me at the beginning of the project to kickstart the UX research and design for the app.
In this case study, you will find:
All of that will be focused around designing UX for an AR app.
Being an UX Designer, I have worked on a bunch of cutting-edge solutions – from voice interfaces to humanoid robots, but never on an AR mobile app. I have never even had a chance to use an AR app cause I have a not-that fancy, 3-years old smartphone!
What I am trying to say is that – it was challenging. Everything that I know now about designing an AR app I have learned “on the go”. But I am not the kind of person that turns challenges down. So, I just got into work as usual with the only difference being the usage of a new AR technology.
I am hoping that reading this article and learning these things will decrease the learning curve as you will approach building AR experiences for the first time.
If you’re struggling with the creation of your first product roadmap, then we have the right guide for you. Or you can always order a personal product development service from our team.
When the R&D team first reached out to me, one of the first things that popped into my head was “Omg, a game, in AR, for KIDS! So many challenges”. They specified the age group as 7-10 and, with that in mind, I started off by creating a persona.
Empathizing with users by creating a user persona is naturally the staple of augmented reality UX design and we should all do it at the beginning of each project. While it might be sometimes overlooked as just a “formality”, I find personas particularly useful when designing for very specific target groups and unconventional technologies.
My suggestion is – document your persona and do it well. I would highly recommend using MURAL for that purpose. They have a great template which ensures that your findings and reflections will not get lost among many other workshop or discovery notes, but will be structured and easily accessible by any of the team members, at any stage of product development. I found that when you have a comprehensive, well laid-out persona at hand, it is easier to always keep your end-user in mind.
Even though both augmented reality and kids as target audience were new to me, creating the right persona helped us ensure great interaction design and general AR experiences in the future app.
Mapping out a user journey for all relevant scenarios is yet another crucial step enabling you and your team to think about a lot of aspects and generate a lot of ideas. And again, find a way of documenting the user journey that will work for you! I used a Storyboarding template from MURAL and it worked very well for our AR experience.
I truly love post-its (obviously, in the physical world) and I hope there are some sticky notes geeks out there who can relate! Post-its require concise thinking, their simplicity and universality reduce the pressure – after all, you are not creating a complex diagram, you are just scribbling away – which can actually encourage creative thinking!
If you additionally have a digital space, where you can easily generate and organize your post-its, your life will be much easier! And it can be super helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic since you’ll avoid spreading tons of post-its all over the floor or dining table! (They don’t stick to the walls anyway, let’s not kid ourselves!)
Thanks to proper brainstorming with the team and selecting the ways that truly optimize our workflows, we were all-set to create immersive experiences.
While mapping out the user journey already required me to do a bit of research about designing for AR and watch a couple of videos, creating wireframes was when I really had to get into it and understand the specifics of this AR technology. Some things I learned from our developers and some I discovered through my research.
Before continuing with 3 important lessons in regards to augmented reality UX design, I am going to quickly mention AR wireframing tools, with wiARframe being one of the most promising ones! I signed up for it, played around a little bit, watched a tutorial video, and came to the conclusion I would stick to my regular prototyping tool – Figma.
I might consider learning and using an AR-dedicated tool in the future. However, in this project, I could not justify asking my 5-person team to learn a brand new tool when Figma is a great tool that can work perfectly fine for the AR UX design. There even is this handy tutorial for how to use Figma for creating complex and convincing AR prototypes.
Safety has to come first! Since users often use AR apps while being on the move, it is essential not to block their view with odd virtual objects. UI elements should be see-through whenever possible. However, there is another important aspect to take into account here – readability!
If you use a transparent UI element, the text or icons that you place on them will not be visible enough when the background is too dark or too light! How to combine these two? Use translucent virtual elements.
That way the user will see the background and the text! Just note not to use too much blur – the human eye automatically blurs the background when focusing on closer objects.
Tip: By experimenting with some edge cases I found out that, when using black color for the UI (#333333) and white color for the text, 80% is a safe level of opacity! The contrast ratio stays acceptable and the shapes in the background are visible in all conditions.
Tip: Always remember to assess your application’s accessibility against WCAG guidelines. I am sure you do not want to be excluding any user groups from your application. And nowadays in Europe and the USA you can even face legal consequences for doing that!
Distinguishability is one of the WCAG requirements, with minimum contrast ratios for different elements. For example, in the graphic above, due to a relatively bright background, the variation with a transparent UI virtual element (30% opacity) does not meet the minimum text to background contrast ratio!
Tip: I generally use this WCAG online tool to check the contrast ratio. However, in Figma itself, you have a free plugin for that as well. The plugin as many, many other handy tools were published by a member of and can be found within Figma Community.
Our whole design team has recently joined the Figma community (see how to sign up here, it is free!) and we really find ourselves getting a lot of useful resources (like icons and design kits) from there.
What does a low contrast ratio mean in practice? Users with poor eye-sight or even users with great eye-sight who are using the app in the sun, will not be able to read the instructions and will have no idea what to do or what your application does.
Doing wireframes for the first few screens I used translucent UI elements knowing that it was “a thing” but other than that, I paid attention to the usual accessibility rules – 31px padding around the screen edges, making sure any clickable elements have the surface of at least 44px², setting the font sizes for at least 12pt.
If you’re not fully familiar with the accessibility checks and guidelines yet, please find this really handy guide which summarizes them. However, I have overlooked one thing that is apparently a golden rule in augmented reality app development – large margins!
Tip: When designing a cross-platform AR app, a 31px margin between UI elements and screen edge will not be enough! Leave 5-10% of the screen empty around the edges, to avoid finding your application unusable either on Android or on iOS!
That is due to the different placing of built-in UI elements in these two systems and their tendency to overlap with in-app UI elements. However, if you make sure to keep off the screen edges – you will be safe! Our developers at Apptension have learned it the hard way, but fortunately, they kindly shared their knowledge with me.
If you are using a dedicated AR design and development tool such as Torch AR, this will be sorted for you. However, if you are going to use Figma and Unity as we did, you will have to design and implement that part yourself.
If you are not entirely sure what I am talking about, please take a look at this short video. The video, and how setting an environment is done in Torch AR in general, served as an inspiration to me when designing for our app.
If you want to see another example that inspired me in terms of a set-up, but also augmented reality UX design in general, take a look at this short video presenting a more complex augmented reality app.
Watching these videos, you have probably noticed a few things – the process of scanning the environment is well explained, with descriptive captions, appropriate icons, and an additional aid in the form of the dots that indicate a flat surface.
All these should be included as we are basically creating a new virtual world. However, you have, hopefully, also noticed a few threats as well, mainly – white text with no background (!) (what if someone was scanning a white table?) and the captions disappearing super quickly with no option to go back (definitely not a suitable solution for 7-10-year-olds kids who are not very fast readers yet!).
With the observed good and bad practices in mind, I created the AR UX design for the process of scanning and saving the environment.
More importantly, in the Figma project, along with the wireframes you can find a sneak peak to the UI design of the game. Take a look at how we have transformed UX designs into a final UI design of the game and stay tuned for more! The game will be available for free in just two weeks. 😊
If you need some know more about what our creative team can do for you, see our Product Design expertise.
While researching existing AR apps and games I have discovered some truly inspiring solutions that I now want to share with you:
WallaMe! – An amazing game for older kids and adults that uses AR and geo-location to enable sharing AR messages in the real world! WallaMe gives you a funny way of hiding private messages in public places and sharing them with your friends or with the public! Download it from Google Play or AppStore.
Avo – one of my personal favorites! This iOS AR game by Playdeo is cute, fun, engaging, and it is both for kids and for adults. Avo is a story of a young inventor Billie and a curious, mystery-solving avocado that she brought to life!
This AR game has an amazing narrative and effects that make it feel almost like a cinematic experience. If you can’t download the game, you can watch Avo’s adventures and get inspired here!
Color Quest – also one of the great augmented reality applications, but this one is more aimed at kids! It is fun, engaging and has an educational twist to it! Color Quest lets you color a character and, after reading a fun health-related fact, you can see your new creation come to life and dance in front of you in AR!
You can even take a picture or make a video in the real world, and then add your favorite AR character! You can see a very short demo of the app here and download the app for free on Google Play or the App Store.
To see the final version of the product with a beautiful visual design by our Art Director will be live in two weeks. As I am writing this a number of Beta users are testing the game and you can see a (little) sneak peek of the designs here.
As the app is currently in beta testing, it is too early to talk about the impact of the product itself! However, I think it is fair to say that we have all learned a lot!
The R&D team has definitely taken their AR development & design skills to the next level and as for me – I have simply started my adventure with UX design for augmented reality applications. I have learned a few tips and tricks about creating an AR world that I have shared with you here!
While I am really looking forward to hearing what users will say, I am happy that the main stakeholders of my work, the R&D team, were satisfied with the outcome!
They reached out for help with designing the UX of the most problematic parts of the user journey and, according to their feedback, the solutions I provided were useful and served as a blueprint for UI designs.
AR apps have a huge potential to change the way we think about and use mobile applications. However, all AR features are still a fairly new technology and I believe that the best interaction design practices are yet to be established. It will take many hours of user testing, observations and much more feedback for us, product teams, to optimize the UX of these apps.
Let’s discuss you AR project!
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