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The state of SaaS heading into 2022

Written by
Kamil Świętochowski
Published on
January 4, 2022

Benefiting from a myriad of improvements like AI and machine learning, comprehensive, centralized data and analytics solutions as well as a few other the market of SaaS will only continue to grow in 2022 with more competition between smarter and better-equipped deliveries made by more and more developers.

Kamil Świętochowski
Account Manager
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An inclusive list of what’s leading the SaaS charge for 2022

Software-as-a-service. The simplest description for this fast-growing sector of the IT industry would be cloud-based subscription services. We’re not going to ‘teach grandma to suck eggs’ here; if you’re reading up on SaaS trends, you should already know what it is and its myriad qualities and attributes.

There’s no denying it’s a growth area both in worth and numbers. Gartner (a leading insights and research provider) estimates global SaaS end-user spending to reach $171 billion, with total cloud services spending hitting $482 billion.

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Software solutions to real-life problems

Every service has to offer a solution. A single, simple solution doesn’t always cut it in the current market, with considerable competition and customer experience climbing our checklists. SaaS packages of digital solutions are now a norm for business operations. Many deliver general solutions across industries—think accounting and tax packages, advertising and marketing, payment systems, and CRMs. Others provide industry-specific options such as healthcare, hospitality, or banking solutions. They all have one thing in common, though; they make life easier for those who use them.

Their operation functions in the right now of running your business: they’re fast, mobile, low-maintenance, and available wherever we choose to work. Simplifying workloads, they take on the tasks we don’t always have time for, and as they grow and develop, they’ll execute more than ever.

How will the SaaS landscape change in 2022?

Both the technology and end-user needs are constantly changing. As what we expect and need from such services grows, and the technology that drives it pushes new boundaries each year, we can expect to achieve more from each SaaS, resulting in more time to concentrate on additional tasks or to focus on what’s really important within each of our roles.

We learned far more than expected about how a business can change and what workers are capable of through 2020 and 2021. Nobody imagined remote working would take such a substantial turn until COVID forced so many into lockdown.

With what we’ve learned, it stands to become an operation normal. And how? With more systems built to deliver exceptional communication, interactivity, data sharing, and productivity.

What are the predicted 2022 trends for SaaS?

There are all kinds of predictions for SaaS in 2022, yet the most likely contenders are consistent predictions, whichever expert is calling the shots.

Our list starts with the top two or three predictions that everyone can’t help but agree on, and then we’ll run down a selection of more than credible options we’re likely to witness.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

AI is set to take every digital opportunity by storm. Whether we realize it or not, AI already plays a significant part in our everyday lives. AI and ML are built into your streaming services, your digital assistants, your phone, how you shop online, speeding up payments, automating the tasks you do every day, and more.

We will see innumerable ways of introducing machine learning into our operations. ML is regularly matched with AI as the two often work together to deliver their final solutions.

It goes without saying that AI will soon infiltrate every corner of your business. It will watch and learn from each operation, spotting inconsistencies, patterns, and behaviors that represent opportunities to change and improve—all presented in easy-to-consume dashboards and notifications.

Significant areas of AI and ML implementation:

  1. Cybersecurity will become smarter and more robust with AI. Through observation and learning, AI will spot breaches and uncharacteristic behaviors. With new levels of automation in place, it will prevent or block attacks or spot and restore healthy previous setups in super-quick time.
  2. Automation of every type of task. There’s already an abundance of automation in SaaS applications, each providing the resource and labour saving we strive for. Applying robotic process automation (RPA) software into third-party applications will boost the scalability of operations, boosting business on many different levels.
  3. Virtual assistants will redefine customer support. Although chatbots are a standard in almost all website customer support arenas, AI will optimize and automate more of their tasks than ever. It will deliver an enhanced customer experience as it learns and offers faster, more helpful solutions. Expect to see wait times disappear under new significant improvements.

Comprehensive, centralized data and analytics solutions

As big data continues to deliver more information to more businesses through the Internet of Things, easier ways to share, deliver and understand the data, new solutions will be easier to mine and convert.

It’s apparent that data is driving today’s business, playing a more critical part in conversions, practices, experience, and everything else. As technology develops newer processes and options, we will glean even more about our users and their behaviors. How? With AI and ML, of course, all are accessed from centralized data points and delivered through performance dashboards.

Advances in technology to pave the way

With new technologies consistently in development, and nobody owning a crystal ball to predict the next major player, we could see changes and boosts to SaaS that we might never have anticipated. However, we’re pretty sure the latest technology breakthroughs will lead the way.

5G is one mighty area where SaaS will benefit, with far faster and exceptional capacity transfers for users. Quantum computing is outperforming existing technologies by a country mile, and with the superfast speeds of 5G complimenting matters, we’re not going to be held back by data transfer or processing.

These new technologies will provide better connectivity than ever while providing AI and ML systems with a considerable boost in functional performance.

Increased cybersecurity

With better tech, enhanced remote working, and far more data available, security is a priority, and SaaS will need to set the precedence in winning new users and clients.

More information than ever will be held in the cloud, and each organization’s users will need to access it from wherever their workstations will be that day.

All of the elements spoken about already (and the items to follow) are interconnected in so many ways. Therefore, cybersecurity will take advantage of the aforementioned upgrades while protecting those essential data sets and access.

Remote working SaaS as standard

Remote working is no longer the luxury we green-eyed a few years ago. The pandemic has forced the issue and taught us how successful it could be. Teams have proven to link up and work just as efficiently from home—in great part to the SaaS systems on which those businesses operate.

SaaS will deliver the communication, sales, marketing, hiring, organizational, and delivery platforms that make remote operations more accessible and more efficient, driving higher successes in each department and improved workers' health and quality of life.

More demand for vertical SaaS solutions and micro-SaaS options

As SaaS has firmly placed its foothold in the broader-reaching market, more and more industry-specific packages are launching to provide more detailed solutions for individual professions.

On top of that, there’s also an expected increase in micro-SaaS tools and businesses. Smaller operations will focus on simple, single tools that concentrate on one task, offering great value for those who don’t need a full suite of apps or options. Tiny teams of one or two will provide alternatives to the masses, delivering add-ons and extensions as features and enhancements. They’ll play a decisive part for niche businesses with smaller budgets.

Mobile-first and enhanced mobile optimization

It became a more significant player than most within the SaaS trends of 2021, with the push of essential remote working. Many of our teams are working on the fly with whatever they can when they can’t quite crack open a laptop or sit at their usual machines. So, mobile optimization and a ‘mobile first’ mentality in design and delivery became a standard.

We’re only going to see more of the same as we move into 2022. Easy to understand mobile dashboards are a must for remote workers and additional communication tools, the very things that SaaS developers can and will bring to the forefront of their platforms.

Focus on client retention with customer experience a major factor

With more competition in the SaaS market, client retention will play its part in the battle; offering more features with effortless navigation systems will be the goal for providers. Unsurprisingly, user experience is set to play a huge role for all clients.

SaaS providers will continue to leverage personalization and customization, promoting personal branding, white labeling for subsequent selling and delivery, and API integration aiding with transitions of all kinds, all offering more to boost retention.

2022 is going to be another giant year for SaaS

Whatever you’re looking for from your SaaS solutions, you can expect more competition between smarter and better-equipped deliveries made by more and more developers.

2022 is going to see continued growth in a fascinating market. Watching how they affect business operations will give us better paths into estimating where those trends will lead into 2023 and further.

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