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What are automated code reviews and how do they work?

Written by
Łukasz Warchoł
Published on
December 2, 2022

Automated code reviews are an important part of software development these days. Code reviews have been around for a long time but have only become automated recently. Nevertheless, they are a great way to automate your development workflow, ensuring that someone with more experience than you has checked your code.

Łukasz Warchoł
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According to research 84% of businesses have a formalized process for code reviews. Of these, 36% of the companies claimed that the best way to raise the caliber of code is through code reviews. The same results were observed for unit testing, with 26% of companies saying that integration testing is the best method for enhancing code quality.

Programming/development processes require code reviews. It is, however, essential to take a step back and consider whether it is necessary. Of course, code reviews can be beneficial if you are working in a team environment. However, if you are working alone on a project, it may be unnecessary to put in the time.

Automated code reviews: an overview

Automated code review is a highly effective way to reduce the time spent on manual code reviews. The goal is to make the review process faster and more efficient so that teams can focus on the most critical work.

Automated code review tools allow developers to write and run tests against their code to find bugs or other problems before they go into production. This can be done before pushing code to version control or after committing changes but before releasing new features.

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Where are automated code reviews used?

Automated code reviews are used in the following industries:

  • Agile development – automated code reviews can help teams adhere to Agile development principles.
  • Software development – they’re used by development teams to ensure that their code is of high quality.
  • Software testing – testing teams use automated code reviews to ensure that the code has met all the requirements and the tests have been written correctly.
  • Software maintenance – auto code review can be used by maintenance teams who need to review large amounts of source code quickly and efficiently.

Types of code reviews: manual vs automated

Code reviews are a great way to improve code quality, but you must choose the right type of code review for your team. Apart from automatic reviews, there are also manual ones. How do they differ from each other?

Manual code reviews

A manual code review is performed by a human who will look at the code and comment on its quality. Manual code reviews can be as simple as pointing out typos or grammar mistakes, or they can be more involved, in which case a group of developers reviews an entire feature.

Automated code reviews

An automated code review takes humans out of the equation by scanning source code for bugs, security issues, performance problems, and other defects. Most of these tools run on the source code itself, so developers don't have to wait for results before continuing their work.

What issues automated code review tools analyze?

These tools analyze many factors to help developers write better code. Here are some of the essential types of issues that these tools identify:


The automated code review tool can check security by analyzing source code for vulnerabilities and identifying whether they are actual or potential. Then, it searches the code for specific patterns that may indicate a security risk. The tool also checks other aspects like authorization, authentication, and data access control.


A slow-running software will affect not only users but also your business reputation. Automated code review tools ensure that your application keeps up when more users start using it simultaneously. They also ensure that your application uses fewer resources and less memory space on servers.

Code style

The tool also checks if the code adheres to the specified coding style. This issue is significant for big projects where different teams work on other parts of the project. Each team may have its coding style. The tool will ensure that all the code is formatted consistently.

Error prone

Automated code review tools can detect common programming errors such as null pointer exceptions, memory leaks, syntax errors, uninitialized variables, etc. They can even highlight complex bugs, such as race conditions, before they result in an error.


Automated code review tools ensure that your software is compatible with all operating systems. They can also check whether there are any issues with the server's configuration.

Unused codes

Unused codes can lead to crashes and other bugs. Automated code review tools identify these sections and remove them from the project, which increases efficiency and reduces memory consumption.

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Why should you automate code review? The benefits

Software development requires code reviews. They help improve code quality, reduce defects, support knowledge transfer, and make QA testers' jobs easier by providing them with better documentation.

Here are some of the benefits you'll see:

Improves apps quality

Code reviews can improve the quality of your applications by catching bugs early in the development process. Having a high-quality product is particularly important. You can spend less time fixing bugs later on by seeing them early.

Supports knowledge transfer

When developers need to become more familiar with a particular technology or programming language, writing good code cannot be easy without guidance or help from others who may have more experience using that technology or programming language. Code reviews allow developers to learn about unfamiliar technologies or programming languages so they can become more familiar with them and write better code as a result.

Improves code quality

A significant benefit of code reviews is that they can improve code quality. When developers learn about an issue in production, they can change their code to fix and prevent future bugs from being introduced. This helps to ensure higher quality software overall and more stable applications in production.

Ensures consistency

At a high level, code review ensures consistency across projects and methodologies within a project. At a low level, it ensures consistency between developers' workflows and styles, which helps with debugging when something goes wrong later on down the line.

Helps teams create better documentation

A well-run code review process forces developers to create detailed documentation before writing it. This helps everyone better understand what they're working on and reduces misunderstandings about how systems work together down the road.

Types of automated code review tools

Automated code review tools are a set of programs that can be used to detect and prevent software defects. A defect is a software design or implementation problem that causes it to fail to meet its design specifications or intended purpose.

Developers use code review tools to find and fix defects before they are released into production. Automated code review tools can analyze your source code on a system level and scan for potential defects based on predefined rules.

Many different types of automated code review tools are available today, which can also help in automated code analysis. These include the following;

Static analysis tools

These tools scan source code for security vulnerabilities and other defects, such as errors in coding standards, syntax errors, and other technical problems.

Dynamic analysis tools

These tools analyze programs while running to check for security vulnerabilities, performance issues, or other problems that may affect how well they work in real-world environments.

Code comparison tools

These tools compare two versions of source code to detect changes between them, helping to ensure that changes made during development don't introduce new defects or regressions (bugs).

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Things to know before choosing an automated code review tool

Choosing the right automated code review tool for your organization is essential based on your unique needs.

When choosing it, keep these things in mind:

Language and IDE support

The tool you choose must support the languages you use in your project. It also needs to support your IDE (integrated development environment). If there is no support for the language or IDE you use, it won't be easy to use that product effectively.

ML capabilities

Another important thing is whether or not the tool has machine learning capabilities. Machine learning algorithms can detect bugs in your code using natural language processing (NLP) or artificial intelligence (AI). Compared to NLP or AI code review, other methods can only highlight them manually according to predefined rulesets.

Cloud hosted

If you are looking for a cloud-hosted product, choose one that allows you to host it on your own dedicated server or cloud server. This will enable you to access your data anytime, anywhere, without having any downtime issues.

Widely used

The best thing about using an automated code review tool is that it will save time and the effort of manual testing by developers and testers alike. In addition, you should look for tools widely used by developers worldwide because they will provide better support, updates, and other benefits that will help make your software more robust and secure.

Final words

When developing a piece of code, it is not possible to write it perfectly. So it’s crucial to ensure that there are as many reviews as possible to test it. Automated code reviews are also vital for maintaining good coding standards and improving our work product. In our opinion, they should become a frequent component of the overall review process.